Brandon Chandler v1.1
Author: oooops__quack
Description Source Code Launch App Current Users

Short Description:

oooops__ Ticket Show

Full Description

Brandon Chandler's app update for oooops__.


### **Required Settings**

**Show Description**: A description of the show that appears as part of the room title (optional) during ticket sales and the show. Automatic notices display the current ticket price and update it when changed, so its best not to include the ticket price in this description. You can also add hashtags for keywords. This field is limited to 200 characters.

**Ticket Show Price**: The required general admission price for the show. Discounted prices for fan clubs, VIPs, etc., can be set later. The price can be changed during the show using the "/ticketprice" command.

**Start Mode**: Defines when the show starts. This setting works with the next option to determine the shows trigger.
**Option 1**: 'Start Show Anytime' (Most common): Use this if the broadcaster or moderator will start the show manually or later during the show.
**Option 2**: 'Start Show after Timer': The timer starts as soon as the app begins. You can set the show to start automatically when the timer ends or via a command.
**Option 3**: 'Start Show after Ticket Goal': The show begins after a specific number of tickets are sold.
**Option 4**: 'Start Show after Token Goal': The show starts after a certain number of tokens are tipped (this doesnt have to come from ticket purchases).

### **Optional Settings**

**After Show Room Title**: The message displayed in the room title and notice after the show ends. Be sure to update or remove the generic placeholder text.

**Accumulate Tips**: Allows users to accumulate tips toward the ticket price. Its recommended to set this to Yes to avoid manual tracking. If set to No, users must tip the full amount at once to be added to the ticket list.

**Option 1**: 'Start from Command': The broadcaster or moderator starts the show using the "/startshow" command.
**Option 2**: 'Automated Start': The show starts automatically when the timer runs out, or after a short 2-minute countdown once goals are met.

**Goal Amount**: Set the goal amount for sales before the show starts. For token goals, enter the tip total; for ticket goals, enter the number of tickets. If using a timer or "Start Anytime" mode, this setting is not used.

**Default Timer**: Set the countdown time for the show start if using a timer mode. The timer starts immediately when the app begins. For manual control, use the "/ticketstarttimer" command when ready.

**Fan Appreciation Mode**: Enables a special show for membership groups with free access. No ticket sales will be available, and discounted tickets for the Fan Club Appreciation show are not yet implemented.

**Free Ticket to CB Fanclub**: Gives free tickets to CB Fanclub members when they refresh or chat after the app starts.

**Free Ticket to Moderators**: Grants moderators free tickets upon refreshing or chatting after the app starts.

**Free Ticket to External Fanclub**: Grants free tickets to External Fanclub members.

**Free Ticket to VIPs**: Gives free tickets to VIP list members. The list must be duplicated here.

**Discounted Price for CB Fanclub**: Discounted ticket price for CB Fanclub members. If no price is set, Fanclub members pay the regular price unless granted a free ticket.

**Discounted Price for External Fanclub**: Discounted ticket price for External Fanclub members. If no price is set, they pay the regular price unless given a free ticket.

**Discounted Price for VIPs**: Discounted ticket price for VIP members. If no price is set, they pay the regular price unless granted a free ticket.

**Broadcaster Name(s)**: Enter the name(s) of the broadcaster(s) if you'd like this to replace "The Broadcaster" in the notices.

**External Fanclub List**: Enter External Fanclub member names, separated by commas, to grant them special privileges.

**External Fanclub Name**: Enter the personalized name of your External Fanclub, or leave blank to default to "The External Fanclub."

**VIP List**: Enter VIP member names, separated by commas, to grant special privileges.

**VIP List Name**: Enter the personalized name of your VIP list, or leave blank to default to "The VIP List."

**App Mods**: Enter the usernames of users to grant moderator privileges without giving them CB moderator status.

**Mod Authority**: Allows moderators to manage broadcaster commands, such as starting/stopping the show or viewing tip totals.

**Mods Allowed to Add**: Allows moderators to add or remove users from the ticket list.

**Mods Allowed to Change Price**: Allows moderators to change the ticket price.

**Ticket Show Sale**: Reduces the ticket price by this amount when the "/showwarn" command is used to indicate the show is ending.

**Use OT List?**: Enables the Outstanding Ticket (OT) feature, allowing users to save their ticket for future shows.

**OT List**: Enter usernames of viewers to grant free future tickets. These users are notified upon entry, and their ticket use is tracked.

**Gifting Allowed?**: Allows users to purchase additional tickets as gifts for others.

**Free Preview Length**: Defines the length of the free preview for new users joining after the show starts. Options range from '10 seconds' to '5 minutes.'

**Preview for Grays**: Allows users without tokens to view the free preview. Set to No to disable this for non-token holders.

**Enable Icon**: Toggles the display of the ticket icon next to users who have purchased a ticket.
**Chat Notice Interval**: Defines the interval (in minutes) for displaying ticket show price notices in chat.

**Notice Text Color**: Choose a predefined text color for chat notices or enter a custom color code.

**Notice Highlight Color**: Choose a predefined highlight color for chat notices or enter a custom color code.

**Panel Background Image**: Select the background image for the panel, either animated or static. Personalized backgrounds can be requested on Twitter @thechelsea2950.

**Panel Text Color**: Choose a predefined text color for the panel or enter a custom color code.

**Show Tip Total**: Shows the total tips so far for the current show on the panel.

### Available Commands

Most of these commands are available only for moderators and broadcasters, with some exceptions. You can also type "/tickethelp" in the chat to see the full list of commands.

*(all users)* Displays the list of users who have purchased a ticket. Use the 'alpha' parameter to sort the list alphabetically. Ticket holders can be added back to the show with the /add or /addticket commands using the list generated from /tickets.

*(all users)* Displays the list of users granted access via the CB access list. Helps troubleshoot issues with users unable to see the show despite purchasing a ticket.

*(broadcaster & mod level 3)* Rebuilds the CB ticket access list based on the tracked tickets in the app. Developed due to recent CB tech issues affecting privacy during shows.

*(all users)* Displays the list of users currently in the free preview period. Use 'alpha' to display the list alphabetically.

/previewlength [newlength]
*(mods/broadcaster only)* Changes the free preview period. Set to "0" to disable the preview. Accepted values: "0", "10sec", "20sec", "30sec", "1min", "2min", "3min", "4min", "5min".
/useot [on/off]

*(mods/broadcaster only)* Toggles the Outstanding Ticket feature during the show, overriding the initial settings.

*(all users)* Displays the list of outstanding ticket holders if the feature is enabled.

*(mods/broadcaster only)* **Important for OT feature**: Shows tickets saved or used during the session so that the permanent list can be updated.

*(ticket buyers)* Save a ticket for a future show if the broadcaster has enabled Outstanding Tickets. After saving, the user will no longer have access to the current show.

*(outstanding ticket holders)* Redeem an outstanding ticket for access to the current show. Use /otlist to view outstanding ticket holders.

*(mods/broadcaster if granted)* Manually gives a user an outstanding ticket. The addition must be saved on the launch page for permanence.

*(mods/broadcaster only)* Removes a user from the outstanding ticket list for the current show. This also needs to be saved on the launch page for permanence.

/addticket [user]
*(broadcaster only, mods if granted)* Manually adds a user to the ticket show list. You can add a single user or a comma-separated list of users.

/rmvticket [user]
*(mods/broadcaster only)* Manually removes a specific user from the ticket show list.

*(mods/broadcaster only)* Starts the ticket show manually if its not set to auto-start. Once started, only ticket holders can view it.

/showwarn (or /showover)
*(mods/broadcaster only)* Displays a warning that the show is about to end. Optionally stops sales and reduces ticket prices.

/showend (or /stopsales)
*(mods/broadcaster only)* Stops ticket sales. Recommended a few minutes before the show ends to avoid last-minute sales and user disappointment.

*(mods/broadcaster only)* Ends the hidden show and returns to a public broadcast.

*(mods/broadcaster only)* Resets everything to start a brand new show. All ticket holders are removed, and settings are reinitialized.

*(mods/broadcaster only)* Restarts a hidden show if it ended too early. Keeps the ticket holder list and settings intact.

*(mods/broadcaster only)* Restarts ticket sales, either during or after the show, keeping the ticket list, price, and description intact.

/ticketprice [newprice]
*(mods/broadcaster only)* Changes the ticket price to the new specified amount.

/starttimerCT [time]
*(mods/broadcaster only)* Starts a timer for the raffle drawing in timer mode. The drawing is triggered by the /raffledrawing command.

/addtime [time]
*(mods/broadcaster only)* Adds [time] minutes to the raffle timer. Negative values subtract time but cannot exceed the remaining time.

*(mods/broadcaster only)* Stops the raffle timer.

*(mods/broadcaster only)* Displays the remaining time on the ticket show countdown.

*(all users)* Displays how long the current show has been hidden.

/chgticketmode [mode]
*(mods/broadcaster only)* Switches between show-start modes: manual, timer, ticket goal, or token goal.

/chgticketauto [auto/bc]
*(mods/broadcaster only)* Switches between auto or broadcaster-controlled show start when a goal is reached.

/usegift [on/off]
*(mods/broadcaster only)* Toggles the Ticket Gifting feature during the show.

/giftticket [user]
*(all users with extra tickets)* Gifts an extra ticket to another user, if ticket gifting is enabled.

/givemyticketto [user]
*(ticket buyers)* Transfers your ticket to another user before the show starts, removing yourself from the ticket list.

/ticketsubject [newsubject]
*(mods/broadcaster only)* Changes the room description/title to a new value.

*(mods/broadcaster only)* Posts a plain one-time notice in the chat. Syntax: "/cn [message]".

*(mods/broadcaster only)* Posts a one-time notice with dashes before and after the message. Syntax: "/cnd [message]".

*(mods/broadcaster only)* Posts a one-time notice with highlighting but no separators. Syntax: "/cnh [message]".

*(mods/broadcaster only)* Posts a notice with both separators and highlighting. Syntax: "/cndh [message]".

/chgpanelbg [imagename]
Changes the background of the draw panel to one of the valid images. Entering this command with no parameters will display available options.

/chgpaneltext [newcolor]
Changes the draw panel text color to a hex code or a specific color name (e.g., "Dark Green").

/addfan [user]
*(broadcaster only)* Adds a user to the External Fan Club list.

/rmvfan [user]
*(broadcaster only)* Removes a user from the External Fan Club list.
*(mods/broadcaster only)* Displays the External Fan Club list

/addvip [user]
*(broadcaster only)* Adds a user to the VIP list.

/rmvvip [user]
*(broadcaster only)* Removes a user from the VIP list.

*(mods/broadcaster only)* Displays the VIP list.

/addmod [user]
*(broadcaster only)* Adds a user to the "Bot Mod" Moderator List.

/rmvmod [user]
*(broadcaster only)* Removes a user from the "Bot Mod" Moderator List.

*(mods/broadcaster only)* Displays the Moderator list, including bot mods, broadcasters, and CB mods.

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