Happa Multi-Goal App
Author: handrailjoe
Description Launch App Current Users

Short Description:

An app to organize lil_happa's streams. Tracks multiple mini goals and one stream long goal.

Full Description

A simple app made to organize lil_happa's streams. Tracks multiple mini goals and one stream long goal.
Mod Commands:
!help to show all applicable commands.
!addcum [number] - Adds an orgasm to the counter (default: 1).
!removecum [number] - Removes an orgasm from the counter (default: 1).
!setcum [number] - Overrides the current number of orgasms and announces the new number (default: 0).
!addsquirt [number] - Adds a squirt to the counter (default: 1).
!removesquirt [number] - Removes a squirt from the counter (default: 1).
!setsquirt [number] - Overrides the current number of squirts (default: 0).
!ff - Shows the Final Fantasy copy pasta.
!followers - Shows the user the number of new people that have started following this stream.
!so [user] - Shouts out the user (defualt: self).
!setgoalcurrent [number] - Sets the current tokens tipped towards the goal (default: 0).
Anyone above gray:
!toys - Shows everyone a list of Lilly's toys.
!lurk - Tells everyone that the user is lurking.
!discord - Shows everyone Lilly's Discord server link.
!twitter - Shows everyone Lilly's Twitter link.
!gaming - Shows everyone Lilly's purple gaming site link.
!fansly - Shows everyone Lilly's Fansly link.
!throne - Shows everyone Lilly's Throne link.

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