Raychell's ticket show
Author: james_marvel01
Description Launch App Current Users

Short Description:

Raychell's Ticket Show

Full Description

Short Description:

Hidden Ticket Show! Allows for goals or timer to start, outstanding ticket list, and gifting tickets *!*!* Beta testing new changes for recent CB ticket show issues, see details below *!*!*
Full Description

Current Version 3.0 (11/14/2021). Note: The Change Log of fixes and enhancements in each release is at the bottom of the page.
This app is created and maintained by CB users butter_my_toast and chelsea2950.

Note that in the latest update there is a significant update to how ticket buyers are added the ticket show when the show is started to address and bypass the technical issues that CB has been having recently with ticket shows. Previously, users were granted show access as soon as they bought a ticket. The logic is now changed to not add users to the show until right after the room is locked, so that the isssues with locking the room when a large number of users are already present can be bypassed. It appears that there is sometimes still a need for users to refresh their browser to be given access if they buy a ticket after the show starts, will continue looking to improve that if possible.

This Hidden Ticket show App allows you to sell tickets to a hidden show and then lock the room so that only the viewers who have bought a ticket can see the show.
It is a copy of the Ticket Show feature from Dorothy's UltraApp, in a stand alone app that can be used alongside any other bots you may be running.
It also provides an alternative to Crazyticket and other ticket apps out there, one that does not give free access to any developers or other people you're not aware of.
It has also been designed to bypass the technical issues that CB has been having with ticket shows that sometimes start and do not remain private when there are a large number of ticket holders.

It is fully featured with all the common functions you see available in ticket shows and more:

Four start modes - manual (start on command), timer, ticket goal, or token goal

Optional Free Preview period to encourage people joining late to buy a ticket buy giving a short preview of what is happeneing in the show

Automated start or start from command

Outstanding ticket List

Gifting of tickets to other users

Ability to add CB fan club, external fan club, and VIP list members to the show for free or give them a discounted ticket price.

Ability to discount the ticket price when the warning is given for show nearly over.

Set custom colors for the text and highlighting of all messages related to the Ticket Show app.

Ability to control your background and text color in the draw panel.

Personalized names for the External Fan Club and VIP List

Personalized names for the Broadcaster - display a name you choose if other than the room name or the text "Broadcaster"

This app does not contain many common bot-driven features such as leaderboard, chat control, etc, as it is expected you will be using other UltraBots to perform those functions.
As you use the app, one thing to keep in mind is that while your settings are saved each time you start the App, the changes you make using the commands within a show are not permanently updated to the start page - you have to make those changes there for them to be saved. For this app, this mainly just include changes to the outstanding ticket list, which is used to save ticket holders that may have ahd to leave before the show started, or people you want to reward with a free ticket due to their experience in a previous show (joined at the end, show too short, etc)
I recommend keeping the Outstabding Ticket (and fan and VIP lists) in a separate notepad document so you can update as you go, and copy and paste them into the boxes on the setup page when you start a show, especially in case something happens and the configuaration page gets reset.

Please let us know if you find any issues or have recommendations for improvement, you can usually find us on the couples rooms on the site, or on twitter @thechelsea2950.

*************** Launch Page Settings & Instructions *****************

The Below summarizes how each of the settings on the launch page is used in the App. It is followed by a list of the Commands available while the App is running.
Note that in general it is not advisable to start the ticket app at the beginning of a show, as ticket shows discourage people from tipping for goals, tip menu, etc. Usually once they see the show is expected, they save their tokens and wait for the show.
It is a very common strategy to do a goal show to warm up room, and get to at least 1500-2000 viewers before starting the ticket app to be sure that enough tickets can be sold.
There are ticket and token goals available in the setup, but a timer usually works much better for selling tickets before the show, which means the high viewer count is important.
Using ticket or token goals can discourage people from tipping to join because they know the show may not start until enough are sold, and they don't want to buy a ticket and then there is no show.

Required Settings

Show Description: Description of the show to appear as part of the room title (optional) during ticket sales and during the show. The notices that are displayed automatically show the current ticket price and are updated automatically when the price changes. Therefore it is not advisable to put the ticket price in the show description, as those are not automatically updated if the price is changed, and it would then be shown twice. You can also include hashtags for keywords you want to be searchable. Field is up to 200 characters long.

Ticket Show Price: General Admission Price for the show - required. Discounted prices for Fan Club, VIP, etc are defined later below. Price can also be changed later during the show using the "/ticketprice" command. It's also a good idea to set this price up in the Ultra Fembot as the backup price so that your ticket list is saved in case the app is accidentally ended.

Start Mode: Which mode is used for determining when to start the show? This setting works in combination with the next setting below to define what will trigger the start of show, and whether it starts automatically
-- choice1: 'Start Show Anytime' : (Most Common) Use this setting if the broadcaster or moderator will start the show without a goal or timer, or if you want to manually start a timer later in the show.
-- choice2: 'Start Show after Timer' : Use this setting if you want to start a timer immediately from the start of the app. You can still set the later setting to define if the show starts automatically at the end of the timer, or from a command.
-- choice3: 'Start Show after Ticket Goal' : Use this setting if you want to start the show after selling a specific number of tickets.
-- choice4: 'Start Show after Token Goal' : Use this setting if you want to start the show after reach a certain total number of tokens tipped (does not have to be ticket purchases).

Optional Settings

After Show Room Title: Message to display in the Room Subject and Notice after the show has ended. Be sure to update or remove the generic twitter placeholder at the end of the string.

Accumulate Tips: Once ticket sales have started, accumulate an individual's total tips toward ticket price to buy their ticket? This means they would not have to tip ticket price in a single tip, and mods do not have to keep track if they don't tip the full amount the first time. Recommend set to "Yes" to avoid need for many manual adds. If set to "No", user can only tip the ticket amount or higher to be added. However, note that tickets bought from accumulated tips are not added to the backup list in the Fembot since that is looking for a single tip amount greater than or equal to the tip amount.

AutoStart: If using a timer or goal to determine start of show, does the Broadcaster (or moderator) start the show manually with the /startshow command, or does the show start automatically when timer runs out or goal is reached?
-- choice1: 'Start from Command' : Broadcaster or moderator starts the show with the "/startshow" command, at any time for after goals or timer are complete.
-- choice2: 'Automated Start' : Show starts automatically when timer runs out, or starts a short 2 minute timer when goals are met and then automatically starts the show after the 2 minutes are up.

Goal Amount: If using a goal for the total sales before starting the show, set goal amount here. If doing a token goal, set this to the tip toal, if doing a ticket goal, set this to the number of tickets. When using a timer for start or "start anytime", this setting is not used.

Default Timer: If the start mode is set for using a timer, define the number of minutes for the countdown to show start here. Timer will start immediately upon starting the App. For manual timer control, start the show in "Start Show Anytime" mode and use "/ticketstarttimer" to begin a countdown when you're ready. If set to timer mode and no amount is defined here, it will default to manual.

Fan Appreciation Mode: When enabled, a special ticket show is used where only the membership groups defined below with free shows are able to access for free. There will be no ticket sales available. Discounted tickets have not yet been built for the Fan Club Appreciation show.

Free ticket to CB Fanclub: Give a free ticket to CB Fanclub members? They will be given their ticket as soon as they refresh or chat after the app is started. This is for the official CB Fanclub members with a green name in the chat.

Free ticket to Moderators: Give a free ticket to moderators? They will be given their ticket as soon as they refresh or chat after the app is started. They can either be a CB moderator or a 'bot mod'.

Free ticket to External Fanclub: Give a free ticket to External Fanclub members? Even if the External FanClub list has been setup in the Fembot, it must also be duplicated here (below) to provide ticket show privileges. You can also manually add to the external fan club list during the show with the "/addfan" command.

Free ticket to VIPs: Give a free ticket to VIP List members? Even if the VIP List has been setup in the Fembot, it must also be duplicated here (below) to provide ticket show privileges. You can also manually add to the VIP List during the show with the "/addvip" command.

Discounted price for CB Fanclub: Discounted Price for a ticket to the show for CB Fan Club members. If no price is set, and Fan Club is not configured for a free ticket, the Fan Club ticket price is the same as regular viewers. This value is not used if the above setting grants them a free ticket.

Discounted price for External Fanclub: Discounted Price for a ticket to the show for External Fan Club members. If no price is set, and External Fan Club is not configured for a free ticket, the External Fan Club ticket price is the same as regular viewers. This value is not used if the above setting grants them a free ticket.

Discounted price for VIP: Discounted Price for a ticket to the show for VIP List members. If no price is set, and the VIP list is not configured for a free ticket, the VIP List ticket price is the same as regular viewers. This value is not used if the above setting grants them a free ticket.

Broadcaster Name(s): Enter the name or names of the broadcasters if you would like this to replace "The Broadcaster" or the room name in notices and messaging.

External Fan Club List: Enter the names of any External Fan Club members you would like to grant special privileges, such as free or reduced prices to ticket shows. User names should be separated by a comma with no spaces, like "user1,user2,uers3" for example (no quotes).

External Fan Club Name: Enter the personalized name of your External Fan Club if you have one. If left blank, defaults to "The External Fan Club".

VIP List: Enter the names of any VIP List users you would like to grant special privileges, such as free or reduced prices to ticket shows. User names should be separated by a comma with no spaces, like "user1,user2,uers3" for example (no quotes).

VIP List Name: Enter the personalized name of your VIP List if you have one. If left blank, defaults to "The VIP List".

App Mods: Enter the names of any users you would like to grant moderator privileges without assigning Chaturbate moderator status. Users in this group are granted the same permissions as the red-named moderators assigned through CB. They can be entered here or added during the show with the "/addmod" command. User names should be separated by a comma with no spaces, like "user1,user2,uers3" for example (no quotes).

Mod Authority: Allow moderators to have authority to broadcaster commands, such as for starting and stopping the show, changing the panel background and text, and displaying the "stats" for tip and ticket totals? Note there are separate controls later for ticket show additions and price changes.

Mods Allowed to Add: Allow moderators to use the commands to add and remove users from the ticket show list and the outstanding ticket holder list? Note that enabling this will allow them to add themselves to a show even if the above setting for giving them a free ticket is set to "No". This setting overrides the general setting for mod authority specifically for the ticket show "/add" functions.

Mods Allowed to Change Price: Allow moderators to change the price of a ticket? This setting overrides the general setting for mod authority specifically for the ticket show price functions.

Ticket Show Sale: Reduce Ticket Price by this amount when the /showwarn command is used to indicate the show is nearly over. Set to "0" to not use this feature. Note this is the amount to reduce the price by, not the actual new price.

Use OT List?: Enable Outstanding Ticket (OT) feature so users can save their ticket for use in a later show. Note that the broadcaster must still record the user names and enter them in the OT list below. This is VERY important to note - CB does not actually allow the apps to save information from the show, so the entries must be made to the list when re-launching the app, either after the current show or at the beginning of the next show. Can also be used for granting free tickets to viewers for a future show in place of a refund if there was a problem with a show, or user bought at the last second and missed the show.

OT List: If the Outstanding Ticket feature is enabled above, enter the names of any viewers you would like to grant a ticket to a future show. The user will be notified when they enter that they have a free ticket, and if they choose to use it, the broadcaster is notified so they can remove them from the list before next show. The format should be a comma separated list (user1,user2,user3).

Gifting Allowed?: Allow users to buy additional tickets they can use as gifts to other users. When they tip a multiple of the ticket price, they store up a ticket count that can be gifted to other users with the command "/giftticket".

Free Preview Length: If a free preview will be allowed for people joining the room after the show starts, define the length of the preview period. Set to "No Preview" to disable, or select a length from the list. Options are '10 seconds', '20 seconds', '30 seconds', '1 minute', '2 minutes', '3 minutes', '4 minutes', '5 minutes'. Once their preview period ends, they have to buy a ticket to keep watching. They only get one preview, they cannot refresh and get multiple previews. You can also decide to only give previews to people with tokens with the below setting.

Preview for Grays: Allow users without tokens to view the free preview? If set to "No" grays will not get a free preview.

Enable Icon: Toggle the setting for whether the small ticket icon is displayed next to each user's name in the chat once they have bought or been granted a ticket to the show.

Chat Notice Interval: Time interval for displaying the Ticket Show Price Notice, in minutes. Decimals are ok as long as they are greater than 1. For example, 1.5 = "One minute and 30 second" intervals.

Notice Text Color: Text color for chat notices related to the Ticket Show App, select one of the pre-defined colors from the list, or select "custom" color and enter a color code in the field below.

Notice Custom Text Color: If you picked a custom text color in the previous setting, enter the hex color (6 character hex color codes including the # prefix, such as #FFFFFF).

Notice Highlight Color: Background/Highlight color for chat notices related to the Ticket Show App, select one of the pre-defined colors from the list, or select "custom" color and enter a color code in the field below.

Notice Custom Highlight Color: If you picked a custom text color in the previous setting, enter the hex color (6 character hex color codes including the # prefix, such as #FFFFFF).

Panel Background Image: Which background panel image would you like to display? There are several image files that you can choose from, some are animated and some are static. You can see the images for all of them from the "Source Code" tab on the app description, with the link to "App Images". Note you cannot use the personalized background unless they are for your room, it will use the default if they are selected. If you would like a personalized background, please contact me on twitter @thechelsea2950

Panel Text Color: Text color for the panel text, select one of the pre-defined colors from the list, or select "custom" color and enter a color code in the field below.

Custom Panel Text Color: If you picked a custom text color in the previous setting, enter the hex color (6 character hex color codes including the # prefix, such as #FFFFFF).

Show Tip Total: Show the total tips so far for the current show in the draw panel?

Ultra Fembot also used: Are you using Dorothy's Fembot alongside the Ticket Show App? This setting is used to decide whether to suppress error messages from the Ticket Show App for invalid commands as it is expected the Fembot will handle errors (so you don't get the same error twice).

Personalization Settings

****************** Commands ******************

Most of these are available for moderators and broadcasters only, with some exceptions. Note that you can also type "/tickethelp" within the chat to see the list of commands as well.
Since it is not possible to have both this Ticket Show App and the UltrApp Ticket Show running at the same time, the same commands are used for many of the features to make it easier to manage the show for those familiar with the UltraApp and other ticket app commands.

/tickets : (all users) Display the list of users that have bought a ticket. If the parameter of 'alpha' is added, the list is displayed alphabetically. Note that viewers can be added back to the show using the /add or /addticket commands and pasting the list that is shown from the /tickets command.

/cbtickets : (all users) Display the list of users that have been granted access to the show according to the CB access list. This shuold not be required normally, but if there is ever an issue with users having bought a ticket not being able to see the show, this helps to troubleshoot those problems.

/fixtickets : (broadcaster and mod level 3) This is a utility that can be run to reconstruct the CB ticket access based on the ticket list tracked in the app. It has primarily been developed because of CB tech issues recently that have caused shows to not remain private after the show is started.

/previewers : (all users) Display the list of users that currently are in the free preview period. If the parameter of 'alpha' is added, the list is displayed alphabetically.

/previewlength [newlength]: (mods/bc only) Update the length of the free preview period. Note that setting it to zero ("0") will disable the free preview. Please make sure to use one of the following values as the parameter: "0", "10sec", "20sec", "30sec", "1min", "2min", "3min", "4min", or "5min".

/useot [on/off]: (mods/bc only) Toggle the setting for whether the Outstanding Ticket feature of the Ticket Show is "on" or "off". Overrides the initial setting, and allows you to turn the Outstanding Ticket usage feature on or off during the show. .

/otlist : (all users) Display the list of outstanding ticket holders, can be used by anyone if the Outstanding Ticket feature is enabled.

/otchanges : (mods/bc only) ** IMPORTANT when using the OT feature ** Displays a list of tickets that have been saved or used during the current session so the permanent list can be updated.

/saveticket: (all ticket buyers) If the broadcaster has enabled Outstanding Tickets (and is tracking them) - If you've bought a ticket and will not be able to stay for the show, you can save it for a future show. You will no longer be able to see the current show. IMPORTANT: If in the same session, the ticket will be available automatically. However for future shows or if the broadcaster restarts the bot, the broadcaster must add the saved tickets to the outstanding ticket list to be able to use them with /useticket.

/useticket: (all users with an outstanding ticket) If the broadcaster has enabled Outstanding Tickets (and is tracking them) - Redeem an outstanding ticket and use it for access to this show. You can use the command /otlist to view the list of outstanding ticket holders if the broadcaster has enabled this feature.

/addot : (mods, bc if granted privileges) If the outstanding ticket feature is in use, the broadcaster can manually give a user an outstanding ticket. Moderators can also add if they have authority. The addition still must be made permanent by updating the launch page outstanding ticket list.

/rmvot : (mods/bc only) Remove a user from the outstanding ticket list within the current show. The removal still must be made permanent by updating the launch page outstanding ticket list.

/addticket or (/add) [user]: (bc only, moderator when granted privileges) Manually add a user to the ticket show list. Can be a specific user or a list of users separated by a comma.

/rmvticket (or /del or /delticket) [user]: (mods/bc only) Manually remove a specific user from the ticket show list, only used for one user at a time.

/startshow: (mods/bc only) Start the ticket show when not set to automatic start. Once started, the show will only be visible to ticket holders. Hint: start the show when you're in a good position for the preview pic to be frozen that will attract more ticket buyers.

/showwarn (or /showover): (mods/bc only) Display a warning that the show will be ending soon and ticket purchases are allowed but not recommended. If configured, this can also end the positions menu, and reduce the ticket price.

/showend (or /stopsales): (mods/bc only) Suspend ticket sales, no more automatic ticket purchases can be made. Recommended to always do this once you are less than a few minutes from the end of the show so people don't buy at the last second and are disappointed by getting a short show. If configured, this can also end the positions menu, and reduce the ticket price.

/stopshow: (mods/bc only) End the hidden show and return to a public broadcast.

/newticketshow: (mods/bc only) Completely refresh the ticket show to start a brand new show. This will remove all the ticket holders from the list, and re-initialize all settings using the configuration from the launch page.

/restartshow: (mods/bc only) Go back into hidden cam mode if the show was accidentally ended too soon, or the broadcaster wanted to go back to public to sell more tickets. The ticket holder list and all settings are kept intact.

/restartsales: (mods/bc only) Restart ticket sales either during the show (after /showend was used), or after you've ended the show to go back to the ticket sales stage. The ticket holder list, ticket price and show description are kept intact.

/ticketprice (or /ctprice, or /chgticketprice) [newprice]: (mods/bc only) Update the ticket price to the [newprice].

/starttimer (or /ticketstarttimer, or /starttickettimer) [time]: (mods/bc only) Start a [time] minute timer for the raffle drawing when in 'timer' mode with the drawing to be triggered by the /raffledrawing command. The timer will count down but not automatically perform the drawing (unless set to automatic mode but the auto-timer was ended, and this is a restart of that timer)

/addtime (or /ticketaddtime, or /addtickettime) [time]: (mods/bc only) Add [time] minutes to the timer for either automatic or manual drawing mode. The [time] value can be a negative number to subtract time, but cannot be greater than the remaining time.

/stoptimer (or /ticketstoptimer, or /stoptickettimer): (mods/bc only) Stop the raffle timer for either automatic or manual drawing mode.

/tickettimeleft : (mods/bc only) Display the time left on the ticket show countdown for either automatic or manual starting mode.

/showtime : (all users) Display a message showing how long the current show has been hidden.

/chgticketmode (or /chgtktmode) [manual/timer/ticketgoal/tokengoal]: (mods/bc only) Switch between the modes being used to determine when to start the ticket show. If switching from a timer show to a non-timer show, the timer will be ended. Ticket count and Tip Count are being tracked regardless of mode, so switching to a 'goal' mode should not require starting progress at 0.

/chgticketauto (or /chgtktauto) [auto/bc]: (mods/bc only) Switch between the modes being used to define if the show starts automatically when a goal is reached or timer expires, or if the broadcaster or mods still control the start of the show.

/usegift [on/off]: (mods/bc only) Toggle the setting for whether the Gifting of Tickets feature is "on" or "off". Overrides the initial setting, and allows you to turn the feature on or off during the show.

/giftticket [user]: (all users, once you have extra tickets) If the 'gifting' feature is enabled, when you tip enough to buy extra tickets, you can gift those tickets to other users using this command. Each time you gift, it removes one of your 'extra' tickets. You can only gift extra tickets with this command, to give away your own ticket, you can use /givemyticketto as noted below. Be sure to type the user name correctly for the person you are gifting to, extra tickets cannot be recovered once they are gifted. This can be done before and during the show.

/givemyticketto [user]: (all ticket buyers) If you can't stay for a show, and outstanding ticket feature is no used to allow saving your ticket, you can give your ticket to another user. This can only be done before the show starts, and you will be removed from the ticket show list!

/ticketsubject (or /ctsubject) [newsubject]: (mods/bc only) Change the room description/subject/title to a new value.

/ctn: (bc/mods) Post a one-time notice in the chat. The syntax for using this type of notice is "/cn [X]", where [X] is the message you want to send. This is the plain notification without any separators or highlighting.

/ctnd: (bc/mods) Post a one-time notice in the chat. The syntax for using this type of notice is "/cnd [X]", where [X] is the message you want to send. This notification includes a dash separator before and after the message, but no highlighting.

/ctnh: (bc/mods) Post a one-time notice in the chat. The syntax for using this type of notice is "/cnh [X]", where [X] is the message you want to send. This notification includes highlighting, but no separators.

/ctndh: (bc/mods) Post a one-time notice in the chat. The syntax for using this type of notice is "/cndh [X]", where [X] is the message you want to send. This notification includes both separators and highlighting.

/chgpanelbg [imagename]: Change the background of the drawpanel to one of the valid images. Images are updated regularly, so you can see the current list by entering this command with no parameter and the error message will show the current valid choices. Note that you can also see the images by going to the 'Source Code' tab for the app and clicking the link for 'App Images'.

/chgpaneltext [newcolor]: Change the color of the text in the drawpanel to either a hex code (#0000ff) or the exact text of one of the color choices from the menu ('Dark Green', 'Dark Red', etc). You can lookup hex codes for any color on a site such as Color-hexa: https://www.colorhexa.com/

/addfan [user]: (bc only) Adds a user to the External Fan Club list where [user] is the person you want to add.

/rmvfan [user]: (bc only) Removes a user from the External Fan Club List where [user] is the person you want to remove.

/fanlist : (mods/bc only) Displays the list of users currently in the External Fan Club list.

/addvip [user]: (bc only) Adds a user to the VIP list where [user] is the person you want to add.

/rmvvip [user]: (bc only) Removes a user from the VIP List where [user] is the person you want to remove.

/viplist : (mods/bc only) Displays the list of users currently in the VIP list.

/addmod [username]: (bc only) Add users to the "Bot Mod" Moderator List.

/rmvmod [username]: (bc only) Remove users from the "Bot Mod" Moderator List.

/modlist: (mods/bc only) Displays the list of users currently in the Moderator list (list will include bot mods, broadcaster and CB mods).

Latest enhancements and fixes:

11/14/2021 Version 3.0 (current version):
- Major rewrite to bring this app current with the features added in the Dorothy's UltraApp
- Includes several new background panels, and also brings over all of the personalization features from the Fembot and UltraApp
- There is also a significant update to how ticket buyers are added the ticket show when the show is started to address and bypass the technical issues that CB has been having recently with ticket shows. Previously, users were granted show access as soon as they bought a ticket. The logic is now changed to not add users to the show until right after the room is locked, so that the isssues with locking the room when a large number of users are already present can be bypassed.

12/3/2019 Version 2.0:
- Store all user lists in lower case even if entered in upper case since CB names are always lower case
- End user name highlighting when show is ended, add light orange highlighting for previewers
- Added setting to display ticket icon next to users who have bought a ticket
- Added the command /previewlength for updating the length of the free preview period in the ticket show. Updating to a value of '0' turns off the free preview. Note this cannot be changed after the show starts.
- Added the command /usegift for turning on and off the ability to buy and gift extra hidden show tickets to other viewers, overrides the initial launch page setting during the show.
- Personalization: Added configurable text names for the External Fan Club and VIP List
- Personalization: Added a setting in the General Setup section for the name the broadcaster would like displayed in the chat notices instead of the general text "broadcaster" or the room name
- Imported Halloween and Christmas themed panels from the UltraApp

More Bots and Apps by butter_my_toast and chelsea2950
Link for Easy Fembot: Dorothy's Easy Fembot - Simpler ultrabot for newer cammers with minimal config, most features related to chat control.
Link for Ultra Fembot: Dorothy's Ultra Fembot - Full Feature Ultrabot. Messaging for mods and broadcasters, Private Messages to other users, Silence Level and Graphic Level, Leaderboard, Nice List, Tip Count next to name, Silence individual users, Silence individual users without notification (ninja), Tip Menu 1 & 2, Positions Tip Menu, Token Poll, VIP List, External FanClub List, Blocked word list, Additional Notifiers (up to 5 rotating), User Group icons next to name (mods, CB fan club, external fan club, VIP list), Color control of most messaging, Ticket prep function (disable regular tip menu, enable positions menu and token poll), Lush/Nora/Domi Menu, Media Contact List, Ticket show pre-sales, Hidden Ticket Show, Dice Game, Gray Chat Time Lock, Raffle, Price Checker - ensure same price not used across features, All time tippers, Assign nicknames
Link for UltraApp: Dorothy's UltraApp - Ticket Show, Peep Show, Single Goal, Progressive Goal (similar to Tip multi-goal or CrazyGoal), Goal Count, Tip Sequence (ascending and descending), Spank-a-thon, and Tip Jar (keep it going).
Link for Dice game: Dorothy's Dice Game - Roll 2 6-sided dice to win prizes, plus a rare special roll of '13'. Note this same version of the game is also already built in to the Ultra Fembot.
Link for Tip Goals App: Dorothy's Tip Goals - Run a goal show with either a single goal or multiple progressive goals. Same as the goal feature of the Ultra App in its own separate App. Like the UltraApp, the Tip Goals App also has customizable draw panel backgrounds.
Link for Ultra Gamebot: Dorothy's Gamebot - Includes Dice, Wheelspin, Keno, War!, Press Your Luck, Bad Libs, Russian Roulette, Charades, Random Prize Generator

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