Overview - Youtube preview: https://rb.gy/v8synp - Multigoal and 0-goal app(counting tokens) -> Read the "How to section" - Panel: 4 colors and 4 designs all combinable = 16 possiblities - Chat commands for changing logos, colors without restarting the app - Showing the status of your goals every X seconds(has to be enabled) - Added 07.12: Tipmenu - Public beta(has to be enabled) - Added 07.12: RollTheDice - Public beta(has to be enabled) - Added 07.12: BuyMeBalloonsOrFireworks - BuyMeBalloonsOrFireworks(has to be enabled) - Coming 01.01.2021: Documentation Tipmenu, RollTheDice, BuyMeBalloonsOrFireworks - You miss something and want to add it to the features list or you want to tell me an error? Do it here:
Features - Panel colors & designs Color and designs Heart in gray - Star in purple - Leaf in purple - Moon in peach - Triangle in gray - Flame in red
Color style
Results of both value settings: Panel when goal reached Activate if setting the number of seconds when shown to a value like 30(recommended)
Now this nice panel will be shown 30 seconds when the goal is reached in the fitting color:
How to.... Set a simple repeating goal? Example: Nude dance every 1000 tokens
Set no goal but use this nice app for token counting? Example: Put in the second line a text instead of a number
Set multiple goals? Example: Topless after 1000; Nude after 2000; Dildo after 3000
After reaching the third goal the app will start with the first goal!
Features - Goal Showing the goals every X seconds: Activate this option if you set the number of seconds >0! Works NOT if you have the zero goal variant: Text in the second setting! Settings:
Showing the reach of the actual goal! Settings: None - Automatically Result:
Lovense bot replacement Showing the Lovense settings every X seconds: Activate this option if you set the number of seconds >0! Also set the name of the lovense toy:
Data of the Lovense toy Seperate every part with "- " and these informations with "; ":
These data will result in following chat output:
Toy data to be shown in chat
'summary' will result in following chat output and the user can decide if he wants to see the levels:
'details' will result in following chat output and levels+patterns will be shown:
Showing of tipped levels/patterns Decides if the users tipped the levels are shown:
Yes will show the levels/pattern:
Be aware that you get on every tip a message afterwards!
Follow me bot replacement Showing the Follow me message every X seconds: Activate this option if you set the number of seconds >0!
One of the messages for reminding to follow:
There will be one message randomly choosen if you put multiple messages separated with '|'-sign! Example: :canfollow11|:midfollow|Don't forget to follow me! :dontforgetfollowwwww Message text for 'thank you' to the user(will only send to him - invisible in the chat):
Just put new lines with '\n' into the text! Example: ::kisses4u :kisses4u :kisses4u\nThank you %user% for :follow2a ing me! Result:
Welcome bot replacement Enabling the welcome message: Enabling : Activate this option if you choose yes!
Message text for welcome:
With this text: '\n' does a new line! Welcome %user% to my room! Let's tip and have fun together! \n:welcomew\n:instagram30: YourInstaName\n:onlyfans30: YourOnlyFansName\n::twitter30: YourTwitterName\n If you're new - don't forget to :follow2a me!
Chat commands Show all command with /? If the app NOT shows it you have a bot which blocks this command(Still you can use the rest of the commands here documented!)
Examples how to replace the placeholders with content: /colors set red: Sets the color of the panel and the list of the goals to red /goallist 10: Sets the time to show the list and status of the goals to 10 minutes /panels moon: Sets the design of the panel to 'moon' /tokens add 10000: Add 10000 tokens if you had to restart to the app(over multiple goals) Write me for useful command on twitter and why it should be added
Comments & future improvements - Write me ideas on twitter! - Problems? Let me know on twitter! - Last but not least thanks to all the models and app creators who helped me with design ideas, photoshop templates and javascript panel classes...I was overwhelmed with all of this valuable and outstanding feedback...()